
How can I protect my account from fraud?


MCB Online Banking is a highly protected and secure environment which meets rigorous Internet security standards for financial institutions. While we take strong measures to ensure the security of your financial transactions and the confidentiality of your information, it is extremely important that you also take precautions to ensure that your information remains safe and secure. We advise customers to read about these topics and follow the recommended safe computing practices listed below, to protect private information on your personal computer:

  1. Protect Your Privacy
  2. Use Anti-Virus Software
  3. Protect Your Internet Connection
  4. Use Supported Browsers



Maduro & Curiel's Bank will never present you with unexpected webpages or send you unsolicited emails asking for your password, Personal Identification Number (PIN), credit card, account numbers or any other private information. We will never ask you to validate or restore your account access through unsolicited email.

Report any suspicious requests to Maduro & Curiel's Bank immediately at +599 (9) 466-1836 (after office hours +599 (9) 466-0555) or email FraudReport@mcb-bank.com.

The following are tips and best practices to keep you safe:


Whenever you use the Internet, there is a potential risk of contracting a computer virus or the possibility of infiltration by intrusion software commonly known as "Trojan Horses". Computer viruses can modify programs, delete files and erase the contents of hard drives. "Trojan Horses" can have similar effects and may be able to capture keystrokes, including passwords or other secret information. Spyware and other deceptive software can also conduct certain activities on your computer without your knowledge or consent.

The potential consequences of any of these threats could include damage to your computer, compromise of your secret information, fraudulent transactions issues on your behalf and the inability to use MCB Online Banking.

For these reasons, we advise our customers to follow these practices:

Warning about 'free' services and software offering faster web surfing and email virus scanning

We strongly advise you to carefully read the terms of any free services you accept or software you download online before you accept them. They are known to sometimes include your consent to having all of your Internet browsing activity, including secure transactions monitored. In consenting to such terms, you may allow the service provider to collect highly confidential Username information such as your bank account and credit card numbers and passwords. Your MCB Online Banking Username and password are confidential and must never be shared with any outside person or company. In divulging your Username or password to third parties, you not only compromise funds kept in your bank account but also contravene the terms and conditions and you will be fully liable for any unauthorized access to your accounts and all associated losses arising from these disclosures.


There are additional vulnerabilities associated with having a computer directly connected to the Internet for an extended period of time. This applies to all users but it is extremely important for users with cable, DSL or wireless broadband Internet access. These methods of connection do not require 'dialing' into the Internet and thus are sometimes described as 'always on' connections. Unfortunately, as long as the computer remains 'on' and connected to the Internet, malicious parties have a continuous window of opportunity for attacks on the user's computer.

If you use a cable, DSL or wireless broadband connection for Internet access, you can limit this security risk by disconnecting from the Internet when your session is complete, or by turning off the cable, DSL or wireless modem. However, if you want to continue to take advantage of the 'always on' feature of cable, DSL and wireless broadband connections or if you run extended dial-up sessions on the Internet, we recommend the following security measures be taken:

If you have a wireless network, there are additional measures that should be taken to protect your Internet connection:


Our online services are designed to be used with the current version or the immediately preceding version of most popular browsers (See Technical Requirements for complete list). Users of the online services should keep their operating system and browser current with updates as they are released. While these services generally function well with other browsers, we are unable to offer technical guidance should a customer experience difficulty with their use.

While Maduro & Curiel's Bank believes these safe computing practices and included links provide reasonable but not absolute protection, the Bank makes no representation or warranty as to their intended use or fitness for the purpose. Any reference to a software provider is for convenience only and does not constitute an endorsement of that company's products. You must make your own decision with respect to their products.

Norton AntiVirus and Symantec are trademarks of Symantec Corporation
McAfee and McAfee VirsusScan are trademarks of Network Associates, Inc
Windows and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Zone Alarm is a trademark of Zone Labs, Inc.